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Delancey Street
San Francisco
600 Embarcadero San Francisco, CA 94107
415-512-5104 (Tel)
415-512-5141 (Fax)

Delancey Street
Los Angeles
400 N. Vermont Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90004
323-644-4122 (Tel)
323-644-4147 (Fax)

Delancey Street
New Mexico
P.O. Box 1240
San Juan Pueblo, NM 87566
505-852-4291 x304 (Tel)
505-852-4292 (Fax)

Delancey Street
North Carolina
811 N. Elm Street
Greensboro, NC 27401
336-379-8477 (Tel)
336-379-9449 (Fax)

Delancey Street
New York
100 Turk Hill Road
Brewster, New York 10509
845-278-6181 x205 (Tel)
845-278-2326 (Fax)

Delancey Street
South Carolina
2510 N. Hobson Ave.
N. Charleston, SC 29405
843-554-5179 (Tel)
843-554-5182 (Fax)

This gracious southern home, in the lovely Fisher Park area of Greensboro, is our smallest facility. With only 30 residents, it is a microcosm of the Delancey Street model. Residents who do best in a small family environment thrive here. Residents are taught culinary arts, accounting, landscaping, construction, craft production, Christmas sales and decorating, moving and trucking as they share the responsibility of running these enterprises. Residents are active in community service and volunteering at local special events.

North Carolina - Started in 1987, completely renovated by residents.
Fisher Park Work Day, May 27, 2006.
Fisher Park Easter Egg Hunt, April 2006.

Related Media
“Delancey Street Carving Out Their Own Niche in Fisher Park” (99 Blocks, 02/14/08)
"The Thrill of the Hunt " (The Fisher Parker, 5/06)
Delancey Street: Non-prison that works" (Greensboro News and Record, 06/91)
"Recycling People" (The News and Observer, Raleigh, NC 11/88)
"Delancey Street New Program Gives Addicts Hope On A Road from Ruin" (High Point Enterprise, 06/88)
"National rehabilitation leader celebrates Gate City success" (News & Record)

