Delancey Street’s Institute for Social Renewal (ISR) is a “think and action tank”
geared toward solving the most pressing justice issues of our day
such as drugs, crime, homelessness, poverty, illiteracy, and self-destructive
values, attitudes, and behaviors which are tearing apart not only
some of our individuals, but also the fabric of our whole society.
The Institute provides training and technical assistance in replication
of the Delancey Street model, applied particularly to underclass
populations such as ex-felons and homeless people, among others. There
is specific focus on such issues as:
- Job development and economic self-sufficiency
- Self-governance
- Drug-free, crime-free community living
- Social responsibility
- Social entrepreneurship
Training and seminars are provided on-site at the Delancey Street
headquarters in San Francisco. Folks are asked to stay at a local
hotel and seek their own reservations. Additionally, visiting consultation
and technical assistance by the Delancey Institute team can be developed
according to the specific needs of the client.
All training and technical assistance has been designed and is supervised
by Delancey Street President, Dr. Mimi Silbert. Delivering the training
at the Institute is a terrific team of Delancey residents and graduates.
Representing numerous racial, ethnic and cultural backgrounds, these
trainers have both the personal intuitive grasp of the Delancey
model, and also the theoretical understanding of how to develop
its various elements. Trainers are English, Spanish and French speaking.
The ISR is an interactive learning center. While the Institute provides
some didactic and theoretical seminar discussions, the primary focus
of the training is on experiential learning. Dialogues, role-playing,
and interaction groups are among the methods of experiential training.
Seminars include overview sessions, along with discussions of the
model as it impacts the individual through presentations from residents
themselves. The program will be developed to answer the specific needs
of each group of trainees.
Training ranges from one to two full days for the initial block
of training. Cost is $150 per day of training per person; $300 per
person for two day Institute. For a group of five or more from one
location, the cost is $125 per day of training per person. Please no cell phones at Institute.
Please feel free to call should you have any questions
or if you would like to participate in our training sessions. We’re
looking forward to hearing from you.
Click here for Institute for Social
Renewal Agenda