We’re a community where people with nowhere to turn, turn their lives around. more>
We believe the people with the problems can learn themselves to become the solution. more>
Our entire organization is run by the residents themselves. People who have hit bottom get practice at living a responsible, dignified life. more>
In 1971 we began with four people, $1,000 loan and a dream to develop a new model to turn around the lives of people in poverty, substance abusers, former felons, and others who have hit bottom. Thirty-five years later we’re still here and true to our mission. more>
Because of our people, our mission, and our approach which goes against the traditional grain of solving social problems, struggle is at the core of our being. None of our achievements, either with individual residents, or with Delancey Street as an organization, has happened without a great deal of struggle. more>
We have successfully graduated over 18,000 people from America’s underclass into society as successful taxpaying citizens leading decent, legitimate and productive lives. We have opened new doors in fields of homelessness, education, vocational training, social entrepreneurship, substance abuse and pathways out of poverty, crime and violence. more>
We have five homes around the country: a 17 acre ranch in rural New Mexico; a large castle, carriage house, and two other homes on 50 acres in Brewster, New York; a small lovely home in Fisher Park in Greensboro, North Carolina; a large former Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles, California; and, our headquarters that we built, a Mediterranean style housing and retail complex for 500 residents in San Francisco, California. We have recently purchased a sixth new home in Massachusettes which will be specifically geared to training our residents in the arts. more>
Each resident at Delancey Street learns 3 marketable skills by working in Delancey Street training schools. Moreover, some of the training schools such as a well-reviewed restaurant and highly rated moving company generate funding for Delancey Street that supports the foundation’s activities. more> |
The dynamic force behind Delancey Street is our President and CEO, Dr. Mimi Silbert. Despite her advanced degrees, she bases what she does at Delancey Street on the extended immigrant family in which she grew up. more>
People who complete Delancey Street do more than stay out of jail and live without drugs. They lead lives of purpose and integrity. Meet some of them here. more>
We have worked hard to develop a way to expand our vision without losing our core. The approach is entitled the Delancey CIRCLE: Coalition to Revitalize Communities, Lives, Education, and Economies. In order to use the Delancey experience to educate and advocate for policies that support our model, we have partnered with public and private agencies to adapt our model to different populations. more>
Related Media
Willis, David, California's model rehab centre, BBC News California, February 2007.
"Vistas of Endless Possibility" (The Chronicle of Philanthropy, 11/2/95)
"Delancey Street Program Shines as Bootstraps Example" (The Herald-Times, 10/24/00)
"Delancey Street Foundation Road to Success" (Reader’s Digest, 03/89)
Leah Garchik (San Francisco Chronicle, 04/21/06)
"Break Out" (People, 7/20/98)